skinny kid

美 [ˈskɪni kɪd]英 [ˈskɪni kɪd]
  • 瘦骨嶙峋的孩子
skinny kidskinny kid
  1. I remember henry . pale , skinny kid , always drawing pictures .


  2. And in comes this skinny kid .


  3. This scared , skinny kid cursing himself because he couldn 't get his scales right .


  4. the hope of a skinny kid with a funny name who believes that America has a place for him , too .


  5. He 's just a skinny kid , wired up though , real angry looking , and in his hand he is carrying a bucket full of petrol .


  6. He ended it by returning to his own life , saying that America 's greatness lay in its ability to give hope to " a skinny kid with a funny name " like him .


  7. Being a shy little skinny Asian kid growing up in the Silicon Valley with low self esteem , those guys made me believe in something bigger .
